Dear Friends, Welcome to the August edition of the BRC newsletter. As always, thank you very much to all of you who have contributed. If there is anything you would like to include in future editions do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected]. AGM The Annual General meeting of Bedford Rowing Club will take place […]
Category: Club News
Bedford Autumn Head results
Thank you to everyone that came to enjoy the Bedford Autumn Fours & Small Boats Head, whether as a competitor or spectator. We were certainly lucky to have some great sunny and warm weather for the day. Please see results overall here or sorted by status
Website Improvements
Please note that the BRC website is currently under a period of redesign. We’ve experienced issues with media loading on the site and are working to address the issue. All documents and forms should still be accessible.
Weather restricted boating (Green Amber Red status)
With the summer, unfortunately, nearly over, please have a glance at the safe boating procedure for the coming winter season. Weather restricted boating 1pg
Successful October head.
A good day for BRC. To see the racing, “Official Racing Photos by AllMarkOne here:”
June success
The Jubilee brings wins for Bedford.
Success at Walton & Weybridge Regatta
The club sent a large contingent of juniors to Walton & Weybridge for their regatta. Thanks to Jo Moss and Paul Crouch for their time given up taking them there.
River clear up event. May 28th.
There will be a council run river clear up between 10 am and noon on Saturday 28th May.
Jubilee celebrations Funday
The club will be having a funday of racing for the jubilee celebrations on Friday 3rd June. Fun starts at 12pm.
Change of bank.
With the club becoming a limited status, new bank accounts have been set up. You should have received an email from membership informing you of the new account details. If you have any concerns please email [email protected].