
Season April 2023

Completed application forms, fob forms and membership queries to the Rowing Membership Team.

Full Rowing Membership: £480 per year or £40 per month
Recreational/ Explore Rowing Membership: £360 per year or £30 per month
Vacation Student Rowing: £ ?   per year (Vacation time only)
Local student Rowing: £ ?   (Term time only)
Coach/Cox: £10 per year

If you are paying monthly please set this up directly with your bank when you submit your application form.  Please note that you cannot row or use land training equipment until your application form has been submitted and your payment received or your standing order in place. You will not be insured to use the boats or other equipment until you are a member.

Membership Documents

FOB Application Form

BRC Junior Membership Pack March 2018

Application Form Explore Rowing

BRC Senior (adult) Membership Pack BRC adult Mem application form Jan 2022[2062]